Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Must Buy More Yarn!!!!!!

Ok, I'm convinced that this whole Yarn Diet thing is not good for my health. It is causing way too much stress!

I'm apart of the Townsend Sockknitters group and Sockknitters groups and they have ad days. "Socks that Rock" is all the rage right now and I need to buy some, I've been watching all the requests and she's selling off the older(325g) skeins 25% off. Now come on who in their right mind could resist that kind of sale, handpainted to boot. I gave in to temptation and placed my order for 5 skeins and hubby sayed I can go on a good shopping spree at the end of the month. With that being said I have been online looking for 1 store in which I can spend my wad of dough(save on shipping). I think I'll be going with "The Knitter.com" since it has Trekking XXl, Bearfoot, Cherry Tree Hill just to name a few and all I have not tried/or have in my stash. Yes, I'm going all high end sock yarn, preferably handpainted.

Does this count as being a Yarn Snob?


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