Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canuckers

Well Thanksgiving is almost over, for us we celebrated yesterday since hubby works Mondays. It was just our little family and we had the full meal deal, turkey, ham and all the trimmings. I'm thankful it is all over now I can relax and maybe do some knitting ie: finish my socks before it snows ;-)

I spent most of the day reading one of the books Aunt Margaret sent, VC Andrews' April Shadows, it is pretty damn good. I haven't had much time to do any leisurely reading in the past 4 years let alone read the newspaper from cover to cover in the mornings so surprisingly I have made it more than half way thru and I just started this morning. I did take a break here and there, playing with the little guys outside, fixing meals and watching Medium this evening etc, etc but it looks like it will be on my small list of accomplishments for the year.

So, Tuesday we went to Calgary for the parent/teacher interviews for J and it wasn't to bad. The teachers seem pretty good and the drive to Calgary was made in 2 hours and no Pit Stops!! Traffic was horrible in Calgary, major road construction and some of the drivers, well you get the idea. I am so happy I am no longer living in a major city. I had really wanted to check out a couple of the LYS' but after a couple of hours in Calgary I decided against it. We did stop in Okotoks and looked for their local LYS but no luck there. I did manage to find their local games shop and purchased a Lord of the Rings set of minis to add to the large collection building up for me to paint. I did receive my package from Fantization miniatures and wow are they sexy minis. I'm looking forward to painting those. So many craft projects so little time. Ahhhhh to be rich and not have to worry about working, bills and all that other crap we have to worry about and concentrate on the kids and craft projects. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!

Well off to do some more reading before hubby gets home.


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