Happy May 1st Contest!
Happy May 1st! To celebrate this month (Mother's Day, Victoria Day for us Canucks and any other holidays that fall in May) I will be hosting a little contest. The contest will run from today, May 1st thru to May 21st(Victoria day) at Midnight Est. time.
To enter just leave to comment on this post telling me who is your favorite online Yarn pusher, I mean store and if you don't shop online tell me about your LYS and you will be entered to win a $50.00 CAN. gift certificate to THE SWEET SHEEP.
Why the contest you ask. One: I've had such great service from The Sweet Sheep and only recently found out it was a Canadian Company. I do most of my yarn shopping online and will buy from anyone willing to ship to Canada. Two: I am just feeling very generous and need to share some fibery love. Three: I can't part with any sock yarn in my stash for a contest, lol. And Four: I need comments, hehe.
Good Luck!
PS: Secret Pals please feel free to leave a comment under your assumed identity ;)
Now onto other news, I received a super package from my Secret Canadian Sister "Ellen". She has done such a terrific job of spoiling me the last 3 months and her final package is the icing on the cake. First we have some Online Supersocke 100 in Tropic, love knitting with this stuff, Coil knitting needle holders, dpn knitting holders, both are so needed, thank you, stitchmarkers and a scarf/belt both of which are just gorgeous and last but not least a Journal. This is not just any journal it is "knitspiration" an inspirational journal for knitters. This is so amazing cause right now my patterns are jotted down in a Spiderman scribbler I poached from hubby. Thank you so much Ellen. Your gifts are just amazing and you really brightened up my day.

ooh, nice secret pal package.
As for online yarn seller, I love Piece of Beauty (closed now, but soon re-opening at http://pieceofbeauty.co.uk/), and, of course, The Loopy Ewe!
Hi Tammy! Awesome contest! Nice package you got too! It's fun to get mail, isn't it?
I buy from Knitpicks.com because they ship from the canadian side (Fort Erie, Ontario) when you buy from them, so there is NO duty or taxes or customs, whatever you want to call it! I like that for service!
Hope you have a nice week!
I also like ariadneknits.com - they're a local Montreal online shop that just opened, the girls are in my SNB group. Nice stuff!
While I love the sweet sheep, my fav is Connie over at Pick up Sticks (www.pickupsticks.ca). Also Canadian, free shipping over $60. She carries Claudia Handpainted, Yarn Pirate, Zen, Duets. Runs a fab sock of the month club. Super fast shipping (usually I get my package within 2 days), she has a great blog and she's really nice in person too. Even remembered my name!
i have to agree with you-the sweet sheep is my favourite online yarn shop, and michelle is so kind.
your fanny's are wonderful. i aspire to have "no holes" socks with my next pair
I usually buy my yarn from my LYS, a house that's been turned into a shop. It's full of yarn, floor to ceiling, upstairs and down.
I've coveted many things online, but only purchased from Dave over at Cabin Cove (http://www.cabincovemercantile.com). He dyes beautiful yarn.
You are so very welcome, Secret Sister. I had fun doing it.
My favourite lys is located in my neighbourhood. Linda's Craftique has been owned and operated by the lovely Linda Benne for over 20 years. Linda was and may still be ranked as the country's fastest knitter and man, you should see her go.
Linda is always there to help with any difficulties, suggest a fibre, lend an ear. Knitters are often found at Linda's table sharing conversation and company. As well, she hosts a bi-weekly SNB at a local pizzaria to encourage comaraderie and networking. She and the store are awesome. www.lindascraftique.com
BTW, you can buy online from Linda too!
I love handpaintedyarn.com. They ship to Europe (unlike knitpicks :( ) and the yarns are inexpensive and very soft!
Delightful package. I've several favorite on-line stores for yarn shopping. For bulk purchases or basic stock yarns I like Wool2dye4 (for dying my own of course) and Elann. For special yarns I love Scout's Swag, Cabin Cove Mercantile and Mama-e's C*eye*ber fiber. Cheers!
Thank you so much for my KTE package! The postman just delivered it and I am still grinning! The Jitterbug is beautiful, by the way! Thanks again for such wonderful treats! Ok, leaving now to upload pics to my blog! :-)
Thus far, I've been buying a tremendous amount of yarny goodness from Hello Yarn (awesome hand-dyed yarns galore -- Adrian is so very talented!) and the lovely ladies at The Yarn Grove! The great thing about The Yarn Grove, is that it's FREE SHIPPING with your order! Can't get better than that!
I enjoy other shops, but these two seem to get the majority of my cash... LOL!
Wooly Girl is another shop I'm planning on visiting often!
Good question you have..
I haven't shopped so much online. Here in Finland we have on online store that don't have any shipping fees inside of Finland. www.priima.net
Then I have bought from Dutch online shops
www.astridsdutchobsessions.com and
Finns do order quite a lot from Germany online, and it works too.
To officially enter the contest (lol)...My favorite online yarn store is The Loopy Ewe. Sheri runs a top notch business and provides great customer service.
I agree with Emma and my favorite online yarn is from Piece of Beauty. The most amazing, beautiful, soft merino sock yarn ever. I also like BrightDyes (www.brightdyes.wahmall.co.uk) Her sock yarn is wonderful and she custom dyes. She just did a whole bunch of Harry Potter house socks for me.
Great SP loot! Neat idea for a contest. The most dangerous LYS for me is Sakonnet Purls, also known as LetsKnit.com in the web world. I never seem to leave there empty handed. And their Sale Shed? Every single hank/skein/ball is $4. I actually found cashmere in there!!
Okay, enough about my excitement...
Bunny hugs!
My FAV is Blue Moon Fiber Arts....STR yarn!!!
is my favorite place for sock yarn. It is positively dangerous to log onto this site!
I do a lot of my yarn shopping from Knitpicks.com and have shopped once from Elann.com (for non-sock yarn knitting).
My favorite yarn pusher of all time is Sundara yarn, followed by Vesper and then Scout's Swag.
Happy Mothers Day!
How cool is this contest?!
I love Kpixie (http://www.kpixie.com) because they carry one-of-a-kind yarns. I also like Kitten Logic's handspun (http://shop.faithinpoison.com/)... and Etsy always has cool yarn! :)
For general online shopping, I would recommend http://www.yarnandfiber.com
They have tons of stuff, are 10% below standard retail, and have free shipping, with no minimums...I think that includes Canada as well as the US.
Okay. I haven't really purchased much yarn online, so I'll go with my LYS, Crazy for Ewe in Leonardtown, MD! Ellen has stocked her shop with some of the most fabu yarns (I buy all my Jitterbug from there), and the staff is great! Friday morning coffee is the best (when I can make it), and perhaps some day I'll be able to attend Wenesday Wine...
My fav is Elann, pretty easy for me to remember, I'm another Canadian Ellen.
So I know I'm a little behind (sorry), but I did want to plug my LYS anyhow because I love it, Shaggy Sheep. But I do like Knit Picks, too.
Now, though you may enjoy Shaggy Sheep (they have FABULOUS Diakeito yarn that they ship around the world), don't investigate TOO far... I wouldn't want you to unearth my secret identity!
Hi Tammy :) I don't shop online but my fave LYS is River City Yarns (www.rivercityyarns.ca) they are all super friendly and don't mind that I haul in a double stroller when I go LOL they are also only 1 of 2 Canadian stores that carries Socks that Rock in stock :)
I've ordered from a few on line shops. My favorite would have to be Simply Sock Yarn. Great service and fast.
I would have to choose The Loopy Ewe, as my favorite, Sheri is very friendly and the service is great. I just wish she could keep the yarn is stock a little longer:( I am going to be checking out several more after reading all the comments.
Hi Tammy,
I confess to an addiction to Ebay. A whole bunch of smaller sellers work off ebay. Also, often an individual is selling off stash and that means great impulse buying deals.
I really like little knits. They have some awesome deals.
I am also a kpixie fan, but I also greatly enjoy the sock yarn dyed by Minds Eye Yarns, which can be found at mindseyeyarns.etsy.com
I do more "window" shopping than actual buying and I like to browse and Elann.com, theknittinggarden.com, and kpixie.com.
Happy Victoria Day Long Weekend!! Whoo-hooo-hooo! Lots of knitting will be done this weekend (3 glorious days of it!)
I have only bought from one online yarn store ... Blue Moon Fibres -- and I loved the Socks that Rock yarn i got (soo much that I haven't knit with it yet -- i pull it out in all its beauty and stroke it every now and then -- "Cracked Canyon" and "fire on the Mountain" - both are gorgeous!)
I am planning an order soon ... and have been eyeing up the Sweet Sheep -- she has a really wide seelection of yarn -- all of it looks soo yummy!
Locally, I shop at Memory lane's yarn shop "the Ball and Skein", and LOVE to go to Mahoone Bay , NS, to "Have a yarn" --- nice little shop, fancy, schmancy yarns and really helpful staff!
That's about all I can tell ya! Happy weekend!
I buy online yarn at www.wolhalla.nl and www.astridsdutchobsessions.com
They carry sock yarns that my local yarn store do not have in stock. Great contest by the way!
I'm boring, I guess. Just knit picks for me. It's all I can afford.
Actually, my favorite source for yarn is yard sales & flea markets - you absolutely never know what you are going to find, but you get great bargains!
My fave online store and actual hangout joint is Elann.com. They have superb customer service, are Canadian but ship both in Canada and in the US and have a terrific chat site that is not just about them.
I'm Thea from the Hogwarts-sock-swap, by the way... and I probably read your entry incorrectly and am late for the contest, but if so I don't care - I like Elann enought to push them anytime...
Good resource guide you are creating to help us enable your yarn habit. NO worries, we also get to enjoy the list too. Thanks!
My favorite on-line store is Littleknits.com She has a ton of yarn at good prices. It is local here in Seattle so it is easy to pop on over there and speed up the shipping process. another shop I have found recently is Woolgirl. kdmbhoi
I have neither a favourite online yarn store nor a LYS. I don't have a credit card, so I rarely shop online (I'm thinking I may have to remedy that situation soon), and the closest thing my town has to a yarn store is a craft store - good for metal needles and dishcloth cotton, but not much else.
So where do I buy my yarn? At various nice yarn shops when I go to cities (which makes trips to cities a lot more fun). But since I don't always go to the same places I can't claim that any are really my favourite.
I love emtnestr's store on ebay- great prices, great selection, great service, and she sends candy with your order! You doesn't love candy?
Thanks for the great contest! I don't shop online much, but when I do, I like Halcyon Yarn, http://www.halcyonyarn.com/
My new favorite online store is yarn4socks.com. The good old standbys are Webs and knitpicks. I also have trouble resisting handpainted yarns.com. Things always end up in my basket and I have to turn. the. computer. OFF. I'm quite the yarn addict (but I know I'm in good company around here...)
What a great contest--I'm finding new places I have to visit...
For me it's Fifth Stitch. I actually end up calling the number on their website and say inane things like I want something kind of green like grass in the spring to make some sox from, or I want something girly for my sister. The great ladies at this shop can pretty much interpret my "great" descriptions and have gotten me everything from Anne to Sockotta and Lorna's Laces to Meilenweit and it's always been dead on for whatever project I've got in mind.
Pretty packages! My favorite yarn seller right now is Woolgirl.com. Her stuff is gorgeous. As for my LYS that would be Seaport Yarn, they even have an online store. cool!!!!
I have used KnitPicks, Cider Moon, and A Piece of Vermont. All great service. I have an imaginary cart FULL at the Loopy Ewe and the Sweet Shoppe!
Loved checking out your blog.
I think my favorite is still Elann - anything bad I've bought from them has been my own darn fault for impulse buying!
Sorry, the contest is now closed. Winner will be announced Tuesday afternoon!
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