Thursday, June 05, 2008

It has been 46 days since my last post...

and where have I been? what have I been doing? and no I'm not dead in a pile of yarn some where, although that would be the way I'd want to go, lol.

Well, I've been sick the pneumonia yet again. My doctor said it didn't clear up the last time so after another round of antibiotics, cough syrup and inhaler I'm feeling alot better but not 100%. Still tired, with a cough but not as bad as it was the last month and a half. My little guys too are just getting over their pneumonia too. This has been the worst winter/spring we've had and I thought last year was bad but this is really getting ridiculous and we haven't been the only family in the school suffering like this this year. The boys have had a number of friends plus a few teachers who were out for weeks in the last few months due to pneumonia.

I did receive some swap packages that cheered me up. First from my Sock it to me Twice pal, Megan, a gorgeous pair of red socks and they are so warm and comfy. She went above and beyond and sent some awesome giftees I'm hoping to enjoy once I'm feeling better. Take a look, we have some gorgeous BFL sport from NH Knitting Mama, Happy Feet sock yarn, pocket suduko(excellent), Vogue Knitting summer issue, pez sheep (woot, now to keep that away from the kids till i can enjoy it too ;)), gum and candies, lotion, Knit by Janine Flew and a knitting thimble.

On the Monkey swap front I received a gorgeous pair of socks from Leslie knit with Tofutsies. I've got a skein of the yarn but haven't had a chance to make up a pair of socks with it as of yet. These are super socks and the fit is perfect. She also sent a bunch of goodies for the boys, Collin was especially thrilled cause he is a monkey fanatic. Check out all the fantastic goodies I received. The Gothic Spire pattern by Cookie A is something I have been coveting for some time and have a bunch of Louet Gems just itching to become socks, hehe. Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in the Winterberry colorway, it is absolutely gorgeous and my pics just don't do it justice, a monkey frame, pot scrubber, plate, notecards. Leslie and I had each other as swap pals this round and I didn't know till I received the package, lol.

Super big Thank You to Megan and Leslie for wonderful packages. You really made my week!


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