hmmm.. well all I can say is wow, it has been a long time since I posted here.
First, I'm doing pretty good. The pneumonia finally cleared the middle of June, my best friend moved to Michigan the end of June and I also barely knit much during that time and dyeing was on the back burner. I wasn't to sure if it was the dyeing that was causing our illnesses so everything was on a stand still till we were 100%well. I dyed a little bit in June just to test the waters and nothing happened to us health wise so the dye pot has been in full swing since the beginning of July. I am so happy, it has been a long time and not dyeing yarn is absolutely depressing to me. Don't get me wrong, I love knitting but dyeing is just another creative outlet for me and the two do go hand in hand ;)
June was a pretty crappy month to say the least, very depressing with Andrea leaving. Now who am I supposed to have coffee with and have our craft get togethers, making pasties, lol. Yeah we made pasties-all her idea too. July was fun a bit hot but not to bad. Took the kids to the park alot, hubby has been working almost every weekend so our plans for camping etc were put on the back burner. I also started dyeing yarn more and the colorways I am loving. August was the same, no camping but we did go to Whoop Up days last week. The kids had a blast at the fair, lots of rides, eating and the petting zoo.
Now, last day of August and the school supplies and clothes have been bought and the kids are dreading school on Tuesday, lol. I'm non to happy either, I've been enjoying the time over the summer with the boys at home. This will be the first time home alone, all day with Collin in Grade 1, Justice in Grade 2 and Jordan working full time. Rob is on days this week so it will be just myself and the dogs, hmmm.. what to do...I know, dyeing yarn for the update on Saturday, hehe. I've got some done but I wanted to do a bunch more mini skeins plus I found a cone of the 2 ply (that is being discontinued)on the bottom of my container I want to dye up.

On the knitting front, I have a pair of socks for the fil on the go for Christmas, a pair of plain jane socks for myself using the Hedwig colorway, plus numerous other projects including the Sock Blanket. I've been resisting the urge to start one even though I have lots of sock yarn leftovers. This is a pic of the first day's progress, 8 squares,not bad. I'm averaging 15-20 minutes per square including the ones I have to pic up and knit for. I've also designed 2 more patterns and have them up on my etsy site and also working on updating my ravelry projects page and advertising Faery Fiber on Ravelry. Hubby has done all that work graphic wise and did an excellent job at that.
Holy Crap, I totally missed my 3 year Blogaversary. Hmmm, give me a day or two to figure out a way to have a belated celebration. I'm thinking a yarn give away!